Attendance Information
Please contact the school office before 9:30am on the morning of the first absence.
Please note that term time absence is not regularly authorised and is only permitted in exceptional circumstances.
Any medication needs within the school day will need to be discussed with Mrs Downs and Mrs Cunningham so please arrange an appointment via the school office.
Robin Hood Academy wants every child to achieve their full potential and we know that parents share this goal. There is a clear link between good attendance and educational achievement. If your child is not in school, on time, as often as possible they will be missing out on many important parts of their education.
Why is regular attendance at school important?
Regular school attendance will mean that your child has a better chance in life. Your child will achieve better when they go to school all day, every school day.
• they learn better
• they make friends
• they are happier
• they have a brighter future.
The Government regards 96% as the minimum satisfactory attendance for a school pupil.
How well is your child doing?
Attendance during one school year | Equals this number of days absent | Which is approximately this many weeks absent |
100% | 0 days | 0 weeks |
96% | 8 days | 11/2 weeks |
95% | 10 days | 2 weeks |
90% | 19 days | 4 weeks |
85% | 29 days | 6 weeks |
80% | 38 days | 8 weeks |
70% | 57 days | 11 ½ weeks |
Days off school add up to lost learning. Please don’t let your children miss out on the education they deserve.
We monitor attendance closely and contact parents to inform them and offer support where attendance has dropped and causes concern.
Good attendance is promoted in school through assemblies and rewards. We are always happy to work with families to support and improve attendance.
By law, Head Teachers may not authorise leave in term time for pupils unless there are “exceptional circumstances”.( BCC website has examples )
Family emergencies need careful consideration. It is not always in the best interests of the pupil to miss school for family emergencies that are being dealt with by adult family members. School and school friendships and relationships can provide pupils with stability and care during difficult times. The routine of school can provide a safe and familiar background to life during times of upheaval.
Please visit the Birmingham City Council website if you would like further details on attendance and Birmingham City Council Leave in Term Time Guidance for Schools and Academies.
School Attendance
"There is a clear link between poor attendance at school and academic achievement… [children] have little chance of catching up their peers if their attendance is bad."
Department for Education. Improving Attendance at school. Crown 2012
At Robin Hood Academy we value education and the right for every child to be educated. This is article 28 of the United Nations Rights of the Child Convention.
We reinforce to children that regular attendance is important. "We come to school to learn," is a key message in our assemblies and classroom ethos. Being at school every day is very important so that children don't miss out on valuable learning time and have an opportunity to be a key member of our school community.